Beta Account


User bought the game during the BETA development phase of Minecraft (2010-12-20 - 2011-11-17)

LabyMarco HiitSayZ Greenns TottyTurtle SchmidtMax HorstFlock Lord_Nomra IxmHusky CookieChan99 annonnymous Premium_man_ SMarc x_Fighterboy_x FrauPlatypus scarfulomar Yakuza PocketSage _R TeamJacob cartelfr Idris_ GCC Jansso Juuuliee STAYSaGa slowZ_ff Jecky79 Hyzok xAlexxander shiftbridge Reeqszef zBryaan t1uonh Mordnacht xJhqss_ KidVOlt ChikaraX404X NerO5818 Tranovicz Seby_Plays Tutos9 TheGreatCatsby 1Loon Krisler _IMTime GUIGORICK Lambertyy Foapu Apotamkin KaanAvci bghost44 ZeSafe SashaRu Fulhei RitzenIstCool _QzA killerkatt Wxosealtopg007xe RegiosN_N MurphyWyler RuthLessYT LaPollaDiaria Inyyu0 ChaosDieter tomimzaa bman11235813 _Lose_ verxieee Zprah999 Maricass JenGoShEEp PearlNobu jamesbell1992 JaZero DaSaebbl Jerrybanana_ RENEISTBACK skilfter kev000 Klenzon DannyAxl Vicuu HitsLikeMyHasaki Larenrycon rdfps1 Rafaelzika textnowterry Hungary yudl Evassivestagga Buuggi DHG_Clan Lurkey lintaly Rancoy Kjmberlx SantosLIMA aleksy15 Entlein90 sebitopp dentalscammer nixyeh SeiRuhigDuNervst zNapleciok_ MrKamikazee col Qnline NagisaVN Zentil TreatChest TiiMoLo kryshx TristanTheta fazuellly jusla Nova3009 Xx_Damien_xX Envymvp1337 J0hanX RoyalZ_Studio Lumoi875 WizSwapsiV3zHY MeowMaker oldsuf K1ngZer4 TROCANDOTIROMP4 Polvin _PMayLoDy_ MehmetAliYenice zRusher__ Sleepinqdragon Diego2K02 Ropika heartbrokenjay Camelot1011 Ossamah CapitanPuerka Wisards stickman977 mausvicente crackmannheim Rqge_ darlec134 Eraser123 ViniLucas2005 IRLBuyer MrVolod9 Mohamm2d Pseidon7 zRefresh_ seanpatquinn kaitouranma MeAndMeOnly iSpy_x TuckMista xiKinGx Strafye Lovebums noicekk 3adl RyanzinX WasabiShop Y_Tuzao TorProject zXLukinha Venommega JULIEN8 EnterAPX its_theyisus d3ltha BananaHopper Zeckiey tuitui thinhga_vn onewaysu Species GentleKoala _hurtxz zriuq Salleeeh shhln henro8 GrafEdel AllanV2 notPhilipp_ xXjassomarXx Nex_Kazaki _DevilsDani_ joao5591 Warranting viko63 strakerzinho_2 ByRUZ1 TiuzinDoPastel wolfbearroleplay unplace justomars Luuhiz_ Samuel7u7 Hertareum Samurais luquetadacici AD_Kurdish mixxing gmhu21 L3ooW3rd_ UWURAWRDADDY MightyIronside EmmaMyers Kattaris Marcoskkj JotapeMVP d0peyd0pe KxngSore J6rpa processo Aarondizzel2665 PedrinReiDelas_ Fmuc qxyz5 Slyepss delphiniums MrBestia Yakwza Safadah lSantty yzlxx lastmoments Speakrock SaplingAncient victor_arnemann jemoeder45345345 zXNiceGaminGz KingJay Zagie moraziz pyrokinetics9 MeeZoid Axcet Kentros83 iPoloniaCuack Nitneuq19 ZyrexPE TwawisScott xAssasin8268_ HyzeGIRANDO 4h20_ killua199 Rekarath DarkMagical Aulig codeinthiocyanat TimConejitos simppyy xX_Keoz_Xx DiegoMalinki BotMercy Vynetic sirdiaz Txdesengel qoxs Faciliteit OstiasElHugo pinktulips HuyNam Komboza D0MOO 6lh ILikePooing Tonzzi SofiaNefertiti yAstrox WarFart39 Zaid_1 myrame HenriqueTrix10 mistics Cinabutts EuSouNinguem CeNasYT C0DIE biringuedei Rayur Souheib Jqcken ZecaDosPagodes Fluffelhxrnchen iSamBr_ Eikoeine kevinkiller323 Ladyventania tpp72 pttkn23 _Eliab zKonain TheHytsuVrau DevMixa AsterPlay13 _Veep W0B0T _fikus69 xjeu Digimon LXvon187 jaunting n3llbee MarkusakCZ ranvir_ thuffard 1Luc4s brhomy999 farthole Anyelini Dududryn Fraxqo Radeuus MCListickaGAMING mathiass221 ZendoMore KarutMarut p3rr1t0kawai2323 oddchix L3n4 Diamlito_3 Sneak_Peek farrael004 KhaDepZai_VL Fortonani Goasler GabrielTrozz SkipTurn hz011 Hjaltel iMqrk ITzDonGato zLxura _dzxv Mrcoleman92 mimetismo Budla007 Loufink UnknownUser64536 RDiego_1705 kywah Y4Q1 maxbhz _____Jairo72a Zhelting _oscar_ pxsq FiawKunGGGG Stoklein_ zzofuzz SryBoutDat SkippyOh MOONGOD123 GamerKingFaction Tafv_ xKasuf_ CompoundCord6 Capuline Restlin Maximouz ATmega4809 Erzenkel Sefaa Fabri_47 sungzinnn WrinkledChipBag yDomi Runner007 WHITE_VAX Ondei aguiabg GeisterKrank HunterZoloma Ender_Flo_YT Dhas Beunruhigter NandoZer4 FixFips Cheggu Owvx zPodsitoh Susaka TMN196 Tomxus WhoIsHeroooo 8kq uLipeeBr luchitocairo Screamed Y7h_ Yorkan_ rafazaro loser401 TheWolfTamer kahq Sacoweita uSamuel AlonsoForsa seven_of_nine Russel4627 Magnetilo Puppynator AboS3od_ coopez Mazersors Ana_Biah Replica_ISA_01 asgereld Banshee72 Waldenburg Im_PotatoPvP Ryunosukee _1314__ LukeGarnett _jaooz_ fastbridging GaloxOD xofxk1ller xTriksy jjoy Uriikss FakeDoSpec OmegaGordito xxxMisieqxxx Danger Wistaf Sqonge_Bob azano licen777 xproalldayx NichtRobin HerrSieger x0ry Luthren_ vitinn01 Nickbagel grzzy88 oizsa Houkai3rd Nuisance zNanaLuizan q4istcool SkyTwins Diablee Mhamad_MC dexoooo Kidzep 1xtcy phatsk AdirModz KBMODIFIER psw_sahan Netmox_ thk__ d1Polterghost Napoleon14_HD rudypetter jking1108 AriiMaw Cerowsee Bat darkcatuwu sipd dekodaoo Bossible erff MichigaanTV Vviktor1337 MrUniverse44 Genezist Majster___ Browshonder Deliciosah_ _ImNoboDy Anxt Headed BloodRabbity Lunatti Xx_Tilin_xX_Pro Carlinhuuuuxx__ ZuZkia_Twitch Yasoni DaddyYeahh nettspend_ Ing_Sensei tenssaiga Contranaut TheNoob_04 Maayk_Adam MaleePatito TARGETTERMARKO thejxdge srll xMark74 Deadeye Hero_Is_Best K6XTRN Jacob152 andidago Whatzap kuicho Khalqd xA7md_7rb Fang JAVIEREDU Emil545 No_spoko Staatsoberhaupt KIDDLUIS RAMBOS Maticillo LeaPlath quarrk ahmad961 AndynZN kyamura Mxzzmorrita NonFungibleBot BlackAffers_ EliscraftGamer svenschepers luca1673 marioPL77 Jleles Anzaiiix ZUKYYYY Exderowski StableHits bigdiickdemon mfg999M GGMuted Unxliee _Flemse_ BoxMuncher762 Moller99 Jewmuhn ySh1suiIsGang Dxyy Converion supruga Naamlooyz _Mjnonh_ perchings OhMalware JFoxOficial Edilsinn Lumine_13 Bunnyria EnsyPlayer P21z Alp1m simpsnow Esllam Isiiq sebiiarmy thebesthuman zCarlomar MorroSama uMessi_ wolfyzxx cumjew Syphica DaddyHacker_ KhanhhBeo_VN mthzzy_ SirVermelho YiMarsh raekess Vxlenty UCPDulli Gedco CosmoKnight UnlegitFlap ThatDraggy MightySquize Nhort D1SVBLE Polaerchen AlexButiquin TheReal_Pido XSpirit99 TonFlix yDrNatsu_ Pepozudo DonMatEOo_ Nofu KallebeIz imFunly MOSMOSterTVTHX3 Mire_Bank ItzJustlenax BeMue Nanane CatrineSejr DajWajus Midgetpk1 _sqfe DrugsAreUnFunny HiddenForestFire zzGuii_ ElPatitoInsano Viiiih BornoBjolix Oak xThyagin La_LLoronaRD EntchenMarvel rLilJesus VelociraptoXIT Golden__Heart Ogst Tsuheta GabyOficial PekkausaFA _vatry_YT MarKusVinii cxt Stqckk Gr4luri Klazzy_08 Bewacht MelodicBeatzZ jiwoostan5306 CraftStyler Juaancho Mr_Bread_Ez _Ween_ Ixerl durchdreher xSlowWifi nekoneko_NYAN_x3 oNTeeZz al3ony lAMIINE Ayakanami Derlan_7 yFloyd ripdobrikov tallJoey Yuunie_MC iplogged_ yamemasita IDEMONIangeL OffLolrd SahsiyetsizMan tsolf Vitor064 kackbomber xFall0uTx overextension Mamacena RyanFalido Pfaller_11 Teshika 1Ciscaux Ohdaiwsy MouseToggled ErenIlyasOzsalap ninjagod98 MrAnthony_YT PixelHusky21 LudoErMinAllah Mooth88 camer0nafc GANGMEMBERESTEWA DDzShark Streakwing Pastelito joelzinho20 LilLoaded LegendariTurtle SrOskii yuuui_ Darking8797 chadviolin Fierygorx Fushi__ Bazhy Nwii Ey_Killplay Hxrxic todla matostardust sha07 xCrazyJay enshizes_ Kevinsticks ZoontMex weglasdc perdemoss Buddy8900 FemonABALADO tenwy Advertizes Ch33x heftig Leoly7 AlphaWinner Larinhaxz TheRealAlexOo Klauw_ CapnJackSparrow Frog8484 TR_65 tenally Hypixelinu TheCirce_ PrelepiMarkus INDICAimBLUT DroppedUser Testobjekt6 NoxVentus Slayer_007_ Ry1Der lovechieldrens YouRaiseMeUp Cutie Lippao Abvolt Joaquin26F THEJEWMAN127 MS200207 42Ox Pongetipaulo Jowzh ratixtra Sufur4 Masha_Hacken228 Lodos31 meloschh i67n Sakadragon zSanny cortexwastakenn bamble5 SuPYL1u_Death bvbs Kotawoo bmw310 zRyyo cegob BrxkenNose Wi_Bu Stargaze Aldriik Aoll Zinusfan Slays_17 lkdreach Tzle_Zilay _HaiiSack_ civan6560 reiism IgorMatchmaker_ Noob_15 seve3en NicholTheGreat InwEst_Old JustPl4yHDduHUND carogsnow Moeb3rg Baluwii breezey DevBonnies BIZARREBLACKBUS swless Porrtuguess__PC xOTREMBB_ hellokitty186 ECPU GuiDaRosca ln6 iLynqr_ A7KX NextGenDE Hoangdus macrovore FelpzzxD Im_Esrty Ajel0 Lewsilla SweetLikeBerries reachFODA Zomaholic Paiiinnn ElCidCampead0r agentblue144 _0_ msbeans452 EgiKiller05 _Miguel7u7 Allchymist bebus123 xsuqui0x YoKls_ JJudan_ Kootrapali swyrdofgamba ILOVEMYDRIP SeniorAnas Portugga mikkuy RossMarie icarusb16 Confidence Adorely Sokar31 KAYO_VN Sebmori _iTxS allstarmarvin Spjet iMTsunamii AmdallahSlayer69 zzPablo_ yAntoniozinho iherzadrian Exyph_ bearaax iIMed7o Madden iPhone13Pro zoax999 iYahia_GxD 7xvn LuciferSz Sourotiri pay2live Sr_Sakuta lanterned aficion anjo0803 holydaniel TalonBX 1r8 Zhasmin DarkLAy Kainsmal Mazikeen186 MiJiX KeepHotbar PinnKM4N trustoph joaozimlegal TheProxy2S maxi45YTB Na_Cpany FantaTheCat Bamster02 KimTaeyeon_ Brian_B bubban900 Sylenc Bodoke_07 Wracrikx IchKackImLidl Conlius OGAlLqHa RUBIK340 Pedro2930 ArmandoX_X Ezgimo NomBoodBood MightyQueenLea EStelleRZ yellowzushi MaiguerGamer MarioDieEnte Nik1of1 Staple koche twoshadesofbrown KomZoenen porfinalgu1en Graveyard_2 Yahirx7 9Tur ZeusPvP_VN j0v4ni whoisbonee Thinkinhuw Bartekpro15737 SanMBz JhonO0Gamer_ Grummlol KonopnyBartek davizao007 MatLord2012 Montacer NI88ER SuperFinn2010 jellejelle22 ogdm LeonardoShisDe Kawaiieunseo VIP_Clan racz Aninja90 JoltheAdporgY ZoddxD Goneaway S0uFiane Armandillito KimMinJu_ Kaytn Seghiro oonuchaoo seizures kassgame Fakerusher_Mx Vscode__ Joel_Marco yNicollas EmuOtorii yathory _LordPhoenix_ G__Zeus__G petreeman1000 Twilightgirl304 kauanbrmartins ThisIsRochy Perricutis1tg Hioty_ Nepthis ClappedbabyeZ Sushi8112 Blacksnow61 _Keven_GOD_ iiShaDowKinG Flokkii M3jel vHard Messerstiche retep750white Moeberg LegendaryFabii lamerthenu RandomWL LieuAnNhieu Meloniasty Filosofox yVuulksBr FinozazaTH Tomvs1337 knaynay pangaioo Asebegena redsi NicolkaBaby Focuss_fes Cappa3 __Dzejkob__ xSefht_x Black_Sprint Declivve 1Voltage lnwkaneki asdadsadwasd choijai2548 aMorsx RicardoMasterPro AnaQueen_ banidor ImBananaa febtobef1997 XKageOokamiX thenucraft Swichery NoxisZDamp yakka_simon ShiFu_PlayzZ Fabio_FS W7E vShadow xDennys Habibe_XD zMaty_Ka Heimisson tobmann Amclre vicecitystories 002Julian AKAZA003 hyMqx Dists AimIsIncredible angwll m7mdxjw tnij Shuzuuu ApfelDonut QuePasoCrack Wyscig_ apatheos unifesp GhostRice23 jsca ...