Beta Account


User bought the game during the BETA development phase of Minecraft (2010-12-20 - 2011-11-17)

LabyMarco HiitSayZ Greenns TottyTurtle SchmidtMax HorstFlock x_Fighterboy_x CookieChan99 1F5aMH___3oo Ey_Killplay IxmHusky marakuda BassKatze scarfulomar Yakuza PocketSage _R TeamJacob cartelfr GCC SorryBye LeonardoShisDe buildbattlplayer MrBestia xDarrell lSantty TheAzirz_ Pongetipaulo WhAtAmIdOiNg_ itsNoaah Insane89m yZetnos_ zGabriel_1310z Seghiro xXGhostStarXx _Zawt Fakerusher_Mx zSantiqgo Axcet Flayer7445 ZyrexPE xGaz_ jnny Aclamado franjocar raysfar Marbella05 DanjaIstMacher monkey7458 OperaKung FarmingMensch ClappedbabyeZ Spookyzin_ SrBolin bjw Flokkii sirdiaz KevinConQueso princehahalol 27movement MeikEmRan NunZeii lepczin carogsnow Jlout Polo_731 The_Gaming_Melon NeQ_WeeD yVuulksBr yDarkLegitz miketoby infinitoo Asebegena HenriqueTrix10 Brink_ keonny13 yaiu CeNasYT Honatani macrovore Mar97434 FefeL Screamr CLEITIN157H choijai2548 JordonLeedell yBonny H9Z hightey ImBananaa UWURAWRDADDY feralfergo Its_NotCobra Kattaris Sydjylland TheCirce_ khaisieudeptrai2 TyesllerBXD Jv_Gamer123 _GonzoBG26_ Montacer isqwl_ oroor momen544 mmmtots RossMarie Fainerin 420damian420 iWeedMC_ Emojia2 tdestir Dists Kanade74x Carlusho Cabosse20 tnij DestrucCOD mathiass221 hottestmary p3rr1t0kawai2323 QBENNI Alvyaaa hummerdeller7 bearaax OftenTony FrauPlatypus xnovake _JustMe_Mar Alzexgame kingdenis92 Nachhe xKAMSONx Beni3 mlkney Unkreativitaet zLxura Nefeex SKR34M34 SogettoTheHero Zhasmin Budla007 DrLenniHeise Foxi PinkVilde mudlikemud abodd fbqn _PGC_ A_A___A_A EndinhuNeT Yxzring_ BUSYwithThaUzi zzofuzz boogeyman_PL QwQOwOAwA mxyrey GamerKingFaction Neflection SMarc Wracrikx SharkyGirlUwU SwafiTzz LilUziEarth Izanagui_ HannaW_W Pettifogging Raffitos Infinite_IQ KadBid Souheib Thorgrim102 Dizzyslug RedAlphii iSamBr_ lindiy twoshadesofbrown Xieyuehua icekiko Daggers LiquidOdin NoxisZDamp Raxvy BogatEmigrant Psikoh vassoureiro vShadow _fikus69 h3ctoor Hoove Digimon WickdStyle Mad_dox purpl3wheel4 TheWolfTamer AsT_tA uSamuel I_MISSHER_ Aninja90 TomokoLey AuroraCruiser_ hamoOodyx ChukiLucky Ahrtax OnlyzJamesXD_ MininoCaco_ Pxom IZenicBRr gvidman zakuno Ryunosukee lasyuz Mered inveil yathory Azurekeyblader Im_Dxpe Worless vAhmed_ NotSouriiz_ ImMayumi Pneu32434 KrusteF Bloodshed AggStray philiplilly nlxxTHEBEAST azano Mysager ZinKZeck Stabkins HerrSieger iiLuffy__ thatKxrins retep750white Buttercreme87 JDN_Studio LuiZiin_ Devi2115 LuckyPsycho 400s VRaphaelV windowslivemail Medolinha Mhamad_MC KronossPb SkidCole FakeHugo sungzinnn Thuggishprune Cappa3 muysono victaogg_ Tsar_Platinum EpicVitto23 Flauschiges_Horn lostingeneral Ic4_rus marquinos Klqk EndeRecagadin FixFips S_Garrett Mil_Kiss zPodsitoh R1vailIe Bartekpro15737 YoSeF_RoYaL DaniDum amDeas wxw55123 juxic vinaoterror zBlaKKUS SenpaiSama_JPG Matas Borgmann321 LecolyO_o Heimisson CanisCanemEdit Escasismech4K MikasaSei7w7 LaTommi Hydraalyy yBatman jkm27 yLucasH4H4 JouLex _BielVaz_ Mum1Trolden tenssaiga DerSSS MaleePatito Notezinn wezzys JuanLaverde apatheos Muhamad_Kurdish sioks666 Karenzins maiden89m Andenvh smurfmurph Im6ix9ine 3llawii yVapeSS_ Averist_ jajatelarobexdxd JAVIEREDU Ivy_87 nvty_ Asian0fChaos MinecraftGrizzly HechoEnMedellin LenoncioMacaco AkiJotori cruefan97 Retacky BunWibu_OK Leavingwillow ExioElNuv RazorWolfy Luczinho _theTramp uKaneki_ luca1673 Kid_Darkness3 MikiTB Koaraan ZUKYYYY MHF_Wool_DarkRed jtut24 Yickfou Platopus04 PilarG9 PoignardVorpal shioranai 0lil69 guxtsw IloveJapanGirls HisPrincessa leeenz Netmox_ pure Quills K0TL rudypetter lovelse cogamer Crist_S2 Blaze3Force4 aegan Insanidade Laped Xin_Ni Mosher HaGeWe madsg2004 dervampier Prototype96 MrUniverse44 Olaf_1997 x0hShyz_osu Browshonder uCheateyLegitxz Astaroth_56 Clondex gb57 TheFlakes ImKoRjIk SirVermelho cxrgo_ Vxlenty Mvoidd PedroXzc Docpocalypse Itz_beng miuhp ossjdofb LordBierli 71ccccc osquis SteelCorge GOLDDIGGERLENA SudoKube TonFlix PhumPhumShop DonMatEOo_ zNuty cidr 7wayzeee 1234567890123456 YaSharmoota Mynckey3 NexotecYT harass pecans Messy_Flame akaprideee Runwel ImDarlling eoTusk REINSTECKEN chizuh xX_GojoSatoru_Xx BigBawller hatie KauanBlackPrado xThyagin Caaarl0s Fabian RosieSL11 MSYEETT NahuDier_12 Sqweez_ Deve Sentinel7w7 CMcCuth6 FabGames TarikKrgz Nicco78 Stqckk fusballpa Kimosa00 running_pussie Jewmuhn xD_Jani_xD hazzmatt25 Jumper8796 Gamblicky Liazomg _Darkzinn MiaMelano Canal_MasterG0D chadplays Kaltduscher bobDMON Jutai P21z qSimp nquantum0 Esllam Costacf Niglits Violence A___Xin _Luzios FraeserFrans YoungStachu LY_CN Hussain08 Wayseep Mysticl1ght Limetten Userlax fazalon_ Jacooob_ mend7s SoyChoz ChokeMeMummy ul1ght MrAnthony_YT MCPrisonDotCum camer0nafc PanjuLzMC closerr PauloPvP Dock_Nema chmistj lordzender ARCHORZINHA ParryBen 2000000000000002 solje8 yLuna_ OmniscientK stayinmymind _Nefren_ CueioKawaii_ Nwii Dxgamer_Br Frostziin_ AnemixPoke djspartan117 matostardust chizu_0_0 yafyr awh Sayto NotSqmu Israel7w7_YT owqn1337 Sezand_1 Michael_Jordan99 Communicator Dariii21cm heftig RIPBRIS I7MO_ CrowleyNun_ TheRealAlexOo YouWin RightTime Individualesss higurashi01 kendix PluginGomme Gui_BR0 Rmnjnr Galihsaja xDessigner_ Willixm69_ kokobeanz Mr_Bread_Ez GooCorn yTigresaVip tiaruh xSlowWifi Otrogen erolpia Sxntiago69 Eedu_ Dominates Lalitify neozero1 LadyWutz Nicolasluzz Azert_Frr gretagreta Wien pogo598 IDEMONIangeL xX__Pandinha__Xx nordmark15 LeJody wannagf JegendCola xPoPHD SrDarkMC MasterMonkey11 TAKA_Creative Shycor 7o2_ bmw310 Bubyldenov BrxkenNose Lord_Nomra Gonks AlterIG DaSaebbl the_lord_doOm zbottin_13 syther213 Irokex BuzzLL 187judenhunter PizzaTortenLP Schulheftchen Noob_15 scootypuffjr246 novanitrox_ InwEst_Old _iGyro_ Nicxlly yudl VAMP_1580 Baluwii Zerjin Mohammed_EH jpaulo_ap iKoner 5lll MacacoOrelhdu Diablin kinimod3211 OdWaLaToR AfterCommunism nXay pastgenpl feellings lelu112 col Im_Esrty Juuuliee Jokeski Ekzotik JRodom92 XxnopxX pvpkitty118 LuckyCerealCharm KennyGamerBR xCorexDuox k4picz lacostetattoo Apaxiw0w Driizn paixow Bili_RoyceGlas NerO5818 INDICAimBLUT Tutos9 Bergioyn ognegu iVio0oDy BidaBoladao piorun555 IchBinEinB0T RBT_Egg_TW xCrisz_ yzui joshine TheMathy 42Ox HANDSOMEKITE97 MaxiKW ratixtra killerkatt TheTechno6 ii19 MurphyWyler Starget Lasey iIMed7o zRefresh_ beachlucas Tweako MeAndMeOnly MrViola_TgCL LilKonsubo CascadeHere pigzn hardwayy_ MatuteMaton rootkNx _Spectra11_ holydaniel EuSouAlguem Avantec TrippyElectronic BMBF Venommega KhangSadBoy_VN heyitsmaduu its_theyisus Kenqie _LokiX_ DreadxStorm FLEXZADA emxrhxn RandaleSandale Xeleber Priester_Zyphly Sylenc mr_wikstroem chayaa GrafEdel DeltaJake Conlius xXjassomarXx Wuachin swallows sleepycharlyy RafaelLopexxx jnir mitotuta JustAlmeida fockonme diesemSpeiseeis _leored_ Staple TheUzbek keinfriesenjung fazuellly porfinalgu1en Xx_Damien_xX Histerix RuneCqt Two_Spicy_Tacos Picanha404 dneted AParkedCart Vladelin Notate southlydergute szpe_ MadziawBikini Portugga EyeDie WindetteTM Confidence Diego2K02 forumsdackel weavling CapitanPuerka l4ff3n ImSelfish tobz789 CSN_Bot iTaZzur maiorreii maalcy YaBoyYody Rippi_ iherzadrian speedArtic_ AWStreng_ GUIGORICK KNULL1_ ivi HitsLikeMyHasaki Nurfyy MikaSiqueira_ Kwe7h PanchitoTuTerror yNicollas PhilipsBr567 _LordPhoenix_ ImNotRich_ HyzeGIRANDO GabesBootC4nc3r Wxosealtopg007xe killua199 Rancoy Premium_man_ RuthLessYT lliFYBill sebitopp Mikishayyy Kutieko ConTerX iiShaDowKinG _b1essed MrsMiu vHard ySophia Liaaam Faciliteit 0NYX_Z LegendaryFabii HuyNam Jecky79 Jerrybanana_ zBryaan bonifacijus DannyAxl zLeonides_ thibautotor ImFranD BoredApeYC AllaskaS2 NicolkaBaby nambe Limousine EuSouNinguem xSefht_x unplace Krisler hyppie Lurkey Foapu Orlia aleksy15 SaMuRaIACE1 KiteiBTS 7bqChispitas_ miisi SmarttBR whoisbonee galal Levenslust EmmaMyers JhonO0Gamer_ JotapeMVP Itperch STAYSaGa Inyyu0 Henryjmw shiftbridge Kubake GamerZin_TOP _Lose_ pepitoelmago2 Thereallo Awakening3322 racz PortySnortyd Zenkuuuu ZoddxD lastmoments Yaghan TheGreatCatsby victor_arnemann skilfter Sivle123 unifesp L3n4 Skiie97 Ropika farrael004 Zeckiey Laverna Wisards _maggamong GentleKoala VELIKA__ Stenovich wifc Beeho3HD FakeFleebs Andiaa zarqismissing xRegaipXd_ mimetismo Unapplicable seanpatquinn UnknownUser64536 joao5591 iSpy_x TiuzinDoPastel 3060ti henriquefwck AndyJLambert pingplus Alzt seven7o ConsoleSpamFix zvsie Toopz_ MOONGOD123 mxicanito Alexis_Alvarez xKasuf_ J0hanX IanPlays_ d3ltha oldsuf CANZUK onewaysu Alpha_Nexus Giova2k20 Mxtou zNortle UprisingJake elif107 moniiiker Sleepy_Nice Fluffelhxrnchen SIDEFER_X kevinkiller323 Camelot1011 LilBunsie Nex_Kazaki mausvicente thehuntinmaniac strakerzinho_2 YukiYoung a6yrs Eraser123 Jordvn_v2 Reisesser_ LdBlack_ Habibe_XD moho123 Sqeezyh Amclre jaunting SirBoros Envymvp1337 1Luc4s xiKinGx wavez_mac WizSwapsiV3zHY po0kachuu jorgeSans 3adl Hardkyes bigbosscrayy Bionicpenguin QuePasoCrack Phaseskip FlyffeeLegend BountyHunter1 Aarondizzel2665 NotUltimatePVP ydogo_l DiegoMalinki optymized KidVOlt H4rri _ThaiIsHere ashenxxz Seby_Plays Sato2424 1Loon _jaooz_ SlavingCane Speakrock GaloxOD 6lh jemoeder45345345 Bunnylole56 WarFart39 lohfixd lilgud3_ HuyIsNon LittleFatPig _QzA _RoboCoB_ Blackfurrykitty RegiosN_N NichtRobin __dogukan Minignaveren Luthren_ Samuel7u7 Rekarath kwaidant SirSchway simppyy camfachita luancria DavidDaMonk jamesbell1992 NovaTrooper7646 ExcptionHndler EdkyoGamer JaZero Fabri_47 Jhordan0308 yDomi J6rpa NightAurora Komboza Fmuc LiLv0dKa SofiaNefertiti Thippo FadingNinja1 SM0KAHONTAS textnowterry GOLDCRAFTXS leandrojr7 Kylexvibes Buuggi Owvx peitos TMN196 JorgeVampiro justomars KingJay przemusiekk luquetadacici Siraluna eliseu54proBR MeeZoid Tecca88 zNapleciok_ iJxzideZ Heyylauren to0xic NagisaVN Draken_n seven_of_nine Muchowski2014 d0peyd0pe Puppynator Aulig Qazort thejxdge GrimWarrior57 n3llbee Deadeye anvelat yDioguin_ brhomy999 benjaminalan pxsq xBlackWar_ Mosheja Zoiddberg Saliba2 Sleepinqdragon Akuso246 ElCuboMagicoMDF heartbrokenjay Staatsoberhaupt Crui5 Diamlito_3 Maticillo Restlin Photpho C0DIE PAL2PQ Feines_Ozelot Sci_Fi_Gregg HuyAntiCry Pseidon7 adrien2431 Namru3456 DerGreifer69 kaitouranma ...