Beta Account


User bought the game during the BETA development phase of Minecraft (2010-12-20 - 2011-11-17)

LabyMarco HiitSayZ Livw TottyTurtle SchmidtMax dqvel HorstFlock HerrSieger 1F5aMH___3oo x_Fighterboy_x IxmHusky GiuliaSL BassKatze Yakuza PocketSage _R TeamJacob Idris_ GCC Melerkhin Faavz nlxc XxnopxX rewkiiakatbinhh jellejelle22 hellokitty186 ZeSafe Paiiinnn carogsnow VIP_Clan A7KX RitzenIstCool EgiKiller05 col Juuuliee Marcoskkj iVio0oDy LieuAnNhieu seizures ElCidCampead0r MrsAguh KxngSore lovechieldrens macrovore xCrisz_ DebMorgan Joel_Marco _Miguel7u7 M3gz_ Joaquin26F NerO5818 Tutos9 yzlxx Starget 1Voltage Hioty_ YouRaiseMeUp SaplingAncient Sakadragon TheCirce_ SrDarkMC RicardoMasterPro Blacksnow61 THEJEWMAN127 Rafaelzika knaYe33 Evassivestagga killerkatt TwawisScott MurphyWyler the_lord_doOm _davizao Meloniasty mamoela Pongetipaulo BuzzLL SuperFinn2010 knaynay bvbs SeiRuhigDuNervst _iiSack_ zRyyo Qnline seve3en Lord_Nomra Txdesengel DaSaebbl Mohammed_EH Armandillito lnwkaneki pinktulips vrhnje iKoner oonuchaoo AnaQueen_ civan6560 xJhoss xOTREMBB_ NicholTheGreat Tranovicz 69qzrr_ yudl mistics Zerjin Jokeski Twilightgirl304 wolfbearroleplay GrafEdel Jqcken xXjassomarXx Histerix Autistenclub Eikoeine Picanha404 Literaa angwll MightyQueenLea ViniLucas2005 xsuqui0x Wracrikx idc ApfelDonut Nik1of1 Mohamm2d ILOVEMYDRIP luckicooks Xx_Damien_xX LXvon187 l4ff3n joriscow NEGUIMPvPzin YoKls_ MarkusakCZ _iTxS twoshadesofbrown cherryxpedro royalea RedHyphen SeniorAnas Y_Tuzao AmdallahSlayer69 JULIEN8 Diego2K02 oddchix kelvin__1337 MrViola_TgCL XKageOokamiX fer0izcamisa10 Sneak_Peek RossMarie hardwayy_ ShiFu_PlayzZ O3B zzPablo_ Salleeeh Sr_Sakuta Exyph_ AllanV2 TalonBX zRefresh_ _dzxv MeAndMeOnly Kenqie AKAZA003 C3RAX Loufink bearaax DreadxStorm AimIsIncredible Chino_Chan lanterned TiiMoLo maxi45YTB 1r8 jusla Brian_B Venommega SryBoutDat its_theyisus Wuachin _The_Punisher_ thenucraft Tafv_ Zhasmin sleepycharlyy galinhadeskate Fabio_FS Na_Cpany _PMayLoDy_ NomBoodBood bubban900 zRusher__ MarioDieEnte Foapu sdfsdfgsdsfgdsfg kiwi_1509 FinozazaTH MrBestia choijai2548 retep750white BestMrJoelTGT redsi lSantty ImBananaa EuSouNinguem unplace Suicide_Saturday Inyyu0 ricky_98 iCbraaa GhzMazda Axcet WhoIsHeroooo Montacer Cappa3 _Lose_ damian57 ImBvczin_sola febtobef1997 ZyrexPE LeonardoShisDe EmmaMyers JotapeMVP AlonsoForsa skilfter Sindreven Bloodclath NI88ER Magnetilo Seghiro Bartekpro15737 HitsLikeMyHasaki NexousTV PeedroEscurecido Kawaiieunseo sirdiaz Fakerusher_Mx haivani lastmoments Balon_RO victor_arnemann Rancoy heylolxd stoutsz fastbridging Aninja90 sebitopp Amicorell0 BRANCH_COMMANDER Vscode__ HenriqueTrix10 ClappedbabyeZ Girlkissing CeNasYT Flokkii HyzeGIRANDO licen777 killua199 Jecky79 NFSUnderground widowed x0ry yathory zBryaan xAwornis Q_ota_ Sushi8112 UWURAWRDADDY yVuulksBr M3jel Kattaris Asebegena Faciliteit dexoooo HuyNam Krisler Beckrl WrinkledChipBag KadBid MOONGOD123 thk__ xKasuf_ Camelot1011 jking1108 mausvicente Luisitox_ Chapadow 420DEF mathiass221 NoxisZDamp Yickfou Eraser123 Draethys Haari_ zvDzvD p3rr1t0kawai2323 vShadow Fluffelhxrnchen kevinkiller323 gustxzz xiKinGx Tobiaszpl_ xSteal_ yakka_simon Headed Dists cogamer 3adl zBandiT_ xAlanuncio xVllad zLxura tnij Budla007 jaunting TARGETTERMARKO 1Luc4s Zeckiey hahaloll zeppo983 xMark74 Heimisson GentleKoala LSNOP spearmanedwards Shuzuuu zzofuzz Nachhe Wyscig_ GamerKingFaction Unkreativitaet L3n4 Emil545 farrael004 joao5591 h3l Ciye_exe RAMBOS apatheos TiuzinDoPastel SkyDwarf_ zercheaten Neyxi Souheib _PGC_ niklsa iSamBr_ BUSYwithThaUzi mimetismo marioPL77 UnknownUser64536 J0hanX iYuuki_ chelseadrengen60 Exderowski MinecraftGrizzly oldsuf distnsun Sebansie SimpleAK _fikus69 HannaW_W TheB1lriver Digimon ySh1suiIsGang Fmuc _KeetaKung_ TheRealYasuoV3 ATrixie TheWolfTamer Flauschiges_Horn RosieSL11 RubikBotGG harrisbo uSamuel EndeRecagadin chiappa_ yDomi Isiiq KingJay Blocko_Rocko JonatasFDGod depresived zCarlomar vinaoterror hazzmatt25 MeeZoid OhItsTechnology OdeioGangMember removings Ryunosukee Mad_dox Owvx TMN196 UCPDulli Aulig MrMagher YinYin070406 Verlorener__ eew2 OnlyzJamesXD_ Niglits DiegoMalinki tadim kobaltkour L0r0 azano IZenicBRr seven_of_nine Nofu Puppynator 6lh DriPPyMaxy0 WTF_Hack MOSMOSterTVTHX3 PedroXzc WarFart39 Violent hendy118 Riel_LavaMonster Mhamad_MC KrusteF schnebberhetschi sungzinnn nlxxTHEBEAST _jaooz_ Viiiih GaloxOD Samuel7u7 Techhyyy95 La_meleagro La_LLoronaRD 1234567890123456 mixxing inazuma_ookami Ataxien DanniSkov Townkytug LuckyPsycho GooseyPoosey zPodsitoh Medolinha NichtRobin Gr4luri Luthren_ J6rpa thythen Browshonder leeenz Anzaiiix _Ween_ StableHits ranvir_ nekoneko_NYAN_x3 Anyelini 000Tylerr LoxelMusic Brokvn tenssaiga Xin_Ni Individualesss MCListickaGAMING Katil_Gamer MaTarat_ reazxn MaleePatito Prototype96 Napoleon14_HD AriiMaw Vitor064 Goasler zandveerx kxsiek CoxieDamelio overextension yBatman erolpia Hjaltel bachelier580 DrUnicorn_Love Nxcolaz JAVIEREDU _BielVaz_ TORRREES _ImNoboDy SantoTirso Lunatti anvelat Cyledia moster70 Pastelito Wayseep pxsq ExoticFaris cluke550 xSimooon_ luca1673 Im6ix9ine _IlIlIlI_ ZUKYYYY jajatelarobexdxd thejxdge Ey_Killplay Deadeye Restlin slodkioskar123pl SecretAgent_K sha07 Dock_Nema C0DIE ItzRandomName _ERIxC1000 Prosthetic Netmox_ ExioElNuv Pacer rudypetter Theior Staatsoberhaupt Venale Maticillo tpp72 Andrej_Delany Kreide Klauw_ djspartan117 DevMixa Dawnshock lipealtz DumbLiberals MrUniverse44 0lil69 PinoTec 2Dollarbill DroppedUser Y7h_ wilczem alyc OhRicochet SirVermelho MiaMelano Ekzotik Habert Fechnan_Uludrum Vxlenty Jutai Moller99 Dxyy Sufur4 Mazersors SkullGloKeR blaze kusicielka123 TonFlix erhhn LY_CN Bergioyn Banshee72 UnbreakableBread Farkenn vape_heino DonMatEOo_ TheFlakes simpsnow sebiiarmy Wi_Bu jjoy Acidattack__ DeafNotSystem focusfc565 B0ngnam 71ccccc TheTechno6 Danger Mooneki Squiffyy_ MultiShop xX_KitKat_Xx GOLDDIGGERLENA xThyagin Gedco JustPl4yHDduHUND ThatDraggy grzzy88 MoonKycb BenSk1ller breezey Gonks q4istcool fredobang o384mny9tr3m7 MrScuffyrr Stqckk Runwel NathyBolofofo Jewmuhn dodo728 imFunly Hoangdus Mire_Bank VAPEDADDYONDEI Pavlusik Joire Ajelillo VAMP_1580 Dhas Doutordoritos_ XxNickinhosxX N1ghtSky_m3 P21z Sentinel7w7 zIvih Esllam Nicco78 Oak bebus123 EntchenMarvel 8kq Lucasfilbak38 LeJody kokobeanz Lalynha mikkuy CapnJackSparrow Adorely ZuZkia_Twitch ninfet bestwwswallow EduardoBecker MrAnthony_YT LadyWutz RuneCqt Ing_Sensei Downc1st skazzinhoo a_l_e_x_0_6 camer0nafc pogo598 durchdreher oNTeeZz Madden Jacob152 Samuule raysinboy poioq iYahia_GxD mend7s forumsdackel Khalqd Onrixs_BR sekerbenimkedim LevComplex Nwii CookieChan99 yogicaj kackbomber Kainsmal RyanFalido N0TE5 Santysss Nathanzin_San KeepHotbar beachlucas BlackAffers_ mweatherill71 Tom157_ DeathFire189 heftig yLuna_ Taizy47 TheRealAlexOo CueioKawaii_ DDzShark Bodoke_07 joelzinho20 GGMuted Milomemes Cosing OGAlLqHa KhangSadBoy_VN AdirModz Fatehartt Mate thegaysarecoming Mr_Bread_Ez owqn1337 luigifv xSlowWifi Dariii21cm todla koche xCrazyJay Bat xSkeletor LightTEAFOBARAS Graveyard_2 DeltaJake erff jeremiaslewXD Qerux zijs IDEMONIangeL Rmnjnr Lewsilla MorroSama AEHooL Grummlol Syphica IlethalNoble TaDificil Screamr bmw310 IchBinEinB0T hyppie i_am_AkylenOk h9z BrxkenNose TheMathy PrelepiMarkus Testobjekt6 Goneaway D1SVBLE Qinenewti samuraimmc Jv_Gamer123 Noob_15 TheBangClass JegendCola Itsperch XSpirit99 Imvoo zFloowGod_ momen544 InwEst_Old Shycor Jowzh Baluwii Masha_Hacken228 AnderNow Nanane 7hott kai11_ yZetnos_ kauanbrmartins Irokex Yaghan qVodzy_ Schwuch sugi NicoXV pastgenpl PizzaTortenLP Im_Esrty Stargaze Messerstiche Zinusfan GxldenHeart FLX_Domi __ProGamerYT__ lamerthenu GabesBootC4nc3r _vatry_YT veloqqzzzzzzzz Napuj FarmingMensch Driizn Diablin SrBolin INDICAimBLUT nXay Moeb3rg Focuss_fes DevBonnies Naamlooyz Ivvana sophiia1227 Black_Sprint F4LL3NG0DZ JeisonF porraa SolPequeno mtntt 42Ox KennyGamerBR miketoby ratixtra Apaxiw0w FelpzzxD Thinkinhuw IanPlays_ Raffitos iIMed7o MadziawBikini KomZoenen zMaty_Ka Yahirx7 vicecitystories 1Ciscaux Kaleb EnigmaticSophi_ Daggers holydaniel CSN_Bot LilBunsie ninjagod98 Salu iWixD Psikoh Avantec Rippi_ icarusb16 Sokar31 GhostRice23 SrOskii GtmMorais16 Rafael_PvP_ Emojia2 Moopunpun pigzn SirBoros Fierygorx 31player13 Anghika Cabosse20 Sylenc rootkNx Conlius iPhone13Pro Antjun 7xvn ZoontMex EnemyOfTheStrate erisaspect TomIsCuteLol Skiie97 tenwy dmerry97 Crabro kingdenis92 Staple Beni3 porfinalgu1en Priester_Zyphly Mazikeen186 ExodusLikeHell PinnKM4N tenally LowCursor chris45646 AoKioto Unapplicable exodiaa1 _Water_Szef_ FightMuffin abodd Portugga mitotuta EndinhuNeT Confidence _leored_ IchKackImLidl ZeroFourty RUBIK340 i3LL ruxiit_ DKMEISTERSABRI Leoe__E mxicanito tallJoey Brinewater cloun1zm LilUziEarth iherzadrian Vladelin al9701 i67n eunaosei125 anasatanica bamble5 GoRyger zSantiqgo Tsar_Platinum yNicollas Kubake NightAurora xGaz_ marquinos _LordPhoenix_ Awakening3322 SanMBz KonopnyBartek eschrisofrenico Tzle_Zilay 3x3d Spookyzin_ wxw55123 iiShaDowKinG ElSabritas KNULL1_ JorgeVampiro IgorMatchmaker_ SATURNO KevinConQueso Matas vHard Kwe7h JoltheAdporgY LegendaryFabii S0uFiane sdnashdbashudbas Porrtuguess__PC Dragonvietnamm yDarkLegitz ChukiLucky judcn lliFYBill Muchowski2014 ln6 BuyUrOwnAccIdiot Brink_ Pxom NicolkaBaby Kutieko xSefht_x petreeman1000 Itz_Zaid12 ThisIsRochy Zomaholic AgentFrank JordonLeedell lo_aller SlavingCane msbeans452 YANTAIKNIGHT feralfergo Katzinha_ whoisbonee zLeonides_ AggStray JhonO0Gamer_ xSupernova17 Moeberg GeneralJarby RandomWL Ry1Der Abruptdeath isqwl_ Bellakero __dogukan Abvolt Blurrr1997 buildbattlplayer LuiZiin_ racz SaMuRaIACE1 VRaphaelV ZoddxD SmarttBR __Dzejkob__ LuckyIsBack YukiYoung Joosuee schnokez IloveJapanGirls norgets LdBlack_ KaanSavage Zuria MCJK MysticalRose pay2live SwitzerLad xKAMSONx Insanidade Beeho3HD takashinotclick po0kachuu neglectingme anjo0803 bback Nefeex madsg2004 Andiaa Bionicpenguin tobmann 002Julian DanTheMailman TheProxy2S PhantomOfficial1 A_A___A_A LaTommi guccislides _maggamong _bLu KimTaeyeon_ podegamer boogeyman_PL Learex ConsoleSpamFix Stenovich ...