Beta Account


User bought the game during the BETA development phase of Minecraft (2010-12-20 - 2011-11-17)

LabyMarco TottyTurtle HiitSayZ Greenns SchmidtMax HorstFlock Premium_man_ x_Fighterboy_x FrauPlatypus SMarc CookieChan99 Lord_Nomra annonnymous IxmHusky scarfulomar Yakuza PocketSage _R TeamJacob cartelfr Idris_ GCC Jansso infinitoo Aarondizzel2665 StevenYuJu braedan51 Abdullelah keonny13 Mr_Graphic aveliss lostingeneral Zagie BidaBoladao coolboy1431 S_Garrett Kentros83 yzui Speakrock esteban2blea hightey jemoeder45345345 modrytrpaslik47 Valryx Mr_KenPaY Its_NotCobra elixiz Aba5z3l zBlaKKUS codeinthiocyanat Lasey Hydrocks purpl3wheel4 BotMercy LordTrafalgarLaw IsaqueFratani mmmtots Rekarath 69minutes Myzumi xDarrell simppyy birchy119 Mr_Crisx iCrm ILikePooing zbottin_13 _dwuythatt gvidman Zaid_1 187judenhunter Abeeia lasyuz scootypuffjr246 Komboza Samsagaz37 nx_yoda Flayer7445 SofiaNefertiti EmDetMupRup TaddyDoMau Hertareum jnny ItsPutin Bloodshed gmhu21 5lll Zinxman Luislecca34 Mysager OdWaLaToR justomars chewedstick _SkyFalling bjw luquetadacici ivasmommy Rqider509 relaxbadeco princehahalol iBlackDLL_ 400s qxyz5 squidballs778913 Koldek KronossPb k4picz d0peyd0pe DaddyVitor_ LovelyMaram Polikas_Games guxtsw Dududryn dneted GataGolosa pure southlydergute n3llbee or0b1n Infinite_IQ brhomy999 Str4feq NicolePlus the_only_luke Dizzyslug 1Maskon FUzZYJUNIoR Mosher GabrielTrozz UnitedTurbines InvisPotion Olaf_1997 iMqrk maalcy Diamlito_3 Injecten vassoureiro KhaDepZai_VL Kchero2000 JuanArtz Hoove GrayGaay hoffmanng zNotKris_x juztjah maxbhz LilKonsubo 12Rainbow Mum1Trolden FiawKunGGGG MatuteMaton AeroNewsGermany Notezinn RDiego_1705 d0s3 Pandozy hottestmary Zhelting butanic SavageOnMe ZHO9 Maximouz Alvyaaa Witosha 3llawii biringuedei FLEXZADA rxmd Ivy_87 RandaleSandale CompoundCord6 CreeperProHD_ TraXanhKhongDo mlkney Erzenkel Tomatekun iMoz_ pttkn23 SKR34M34 vitorGamer987 RazorWolfy AsterPlay13 RafaelLopexxx hellaucraft Chiiispin Kid_Darkness3 fockonme Ladyventania jamilidamaceno_ Yxzring_ zKonain Jeffwy_Smash VICTORBBBBR thuffard QwQOwOAwA Tomxus Kivvisek windowslivemail luchitocairo Princceee bobizin wasseemSB SkidCole sampledbruh Jokris Canal_MasterG0D Ana_Biah Henryjmw _ReverseCard qSimp Waldenburg pepitoelmago2 Russel4627 3BoOoDYy Klqk AboS3od_ nightbard Airplanemode2 0YAL Mil_Kiss MalleFader Gliycoza_ uCheateyLegitxz Uriikss Sivle123 amigachoPvP ImKoRjIk Wistaf Nurfyy Qianxiaoya_123 Borgmann321 xofxk1ller shizuwe BILY__ AsT_tA OmegaGordito capivara_br456 rvrd xSkillZl oizsa 505__ SudoKube SkyTwins Mikishayyy LaFria zNuty _b1essed vitinn01 BustedDE Wily36 zakuno Nuisance Among_Ping07 JackGrealish_10 aguiabg Mered UrMom_Gay69 ImDarlling Beunruhigter bonifacijus xProFessorSSRz MasterHang2347 BigBawller ImFranD Runner007 Axolotles _Lucxss_ philiplilly HunterZoloma VexNightmare IQMGL uLipeeBr ZinKZeck Suhaiblyyyyyyyy Mikery CMcCuth6 Yorkan_ Orlia JoseFake fusballpa 7bqChispitas_ Chbebe oDosskk Galihsaja Yasoni thehuntinmaniac wontimed GooCorn Contranaut Jordvn_v2 Anxt 22poppy HisPrincessa Xx_Tilin_xX_Pro Rakete8888 SaltySimon Jobeee Quills 6arq Mazuno Nicolasluzz andidago wavez_mac Horsti98 xX__Pandinha__Xx xA7md_7rb Hardkyes srll Palmendieb03 dervampier Hero_Is_Best Swuigz Spendieren x0hShyz_osu frapcio 0xf1337 L1nH04 AndynZN Laverna BrochureYJ ul1ght EliscraftGamer VELIKA__ YeYeee_ PanjuLzMC LeaPlath Frank_Frank_ ZOMGman67 DerSSS Mxzzmorrita BrayanPol123 LNB_xbladex Kokosnussbusch Unxliee wezzys necipsaydan100 OmniscientK KBMODIFIER Cata36GodLovesM3 XLJ Dxgamer_Br pingplus bigdiickdemon theangryazian Tofee_ Averist_ 1xtcy scoutdog75 6jonathan1 darkcatuwu nvty_ sebatzukill Sezand_1 MichigaanTV CANZUK sebisgrube ballin4 RIPBRIS Mxtou Cerowsee Kw_GoLD _theTramp dekodaoo Waubletastic pwess BloodRabbity MikiTB SM0KAHONTAS thebesthuman China_lvyuanhao TarikKrgz wolfyzxx ArthuurEkisde08 Fulhei SHIHABI Kimosa00 RadioCrash gguillita RBT_Egg_TW Polaerchen przemusiekk dome229 HANDSOMEKITE97 yDrNatsu_ Tecca88 CosmoKnight Mr_Klimor bobDMON MightySquize IgorFoxBr JenGoShEEp derbreisrich nquantum0 pabszito Wesccar xPoPHD CatrineSejr BountyHunter1 SoulPop 7o2_ HiddenForestFire optymized cute727 gb57 ItzJustlenax GrandMagus22 NotOneix cxrgo_ Midgetpk1 Hungary Majudie Slmlm Ogst SevenAdrian Schulheftchen MarKusVinii lohfixd Techmullet xGYR0_ LittleFatPig rLilJesus OctaaMoreno_ Zinnu PhumPhumShop GabyOficial MrKamikazee darkninja1968 _Mjnonh_ cidr oMauVelhinho_ kinimod3211 Lumine_13 SirSchway ElGamerTobi Morrisboy feellings DavidDaMonk Converion zTearsz neiffDei REINSTECKEN OhMalware ChikaraX404X dammed88 uMessi_ hatie gigalpha AbdulAzizF15 xCorexDuox DaddyHacker_ LiLv0dKa Wadi3 paixow I7MO_ EntitiesCleared sixzq_ Notate Ohdaiwsy Schlapfel G3Ramy EyeDie PixelHusky21 Seeerious xFall0uTx marakuda Willixm69_ Pfaller_11 Cremefraicheee MrVolod9 Sstyx yTigresaVip juninpokasbala13 cloneEnrabatu iTaZzur yuuui_ Kakuzuu VadursExWife speedArtic_ Fushi__ NyxThrow Streakwing Stayox Wien LilLoaded Raese MyronKoops_____ nordmark15 zXLukinha MoldyToe5654 _SeniorS weglasdc yDioguin_ 3llawiOnTop _Spectra11_ Advertizes xBlackWar_ Brazil_Time TrippyElectronic enshizes_ h0up MCPrisonDotCum Buddy8900 henro8 LynShin ravighOst Hypixelinu closerr xJuvan emxrhxn CraftStyler PAL2PQ veaxeyxz mr_wikstroem HuyAntiCry Frog8484 PingoKat nicolaicool _Nefren_ Bewacht TristanTheta Sidi_GamerYT Ayakanami Frostziin_ txnnsty JustAlmeida Yuunie_MC The_Commonwealth Ss_Winter KtdgGamer TheUzbek danielapolo11 al3ony lFerizl Communicator yFloyd MehmetAliYenice xSpectroo_ Mamacena CanowonEvent Lodos31 Sabaidee_ lacostetattoo zSanny Mr_Bimbo19k Safadah BLAC_BLUE Bili_RoyceGlas xPeruanC0mb0 DeCounter GamerZin_TOP _HaiiSack_ fernandoj FelipeLaara23 CorianderSpice seve3en AngelsAmSippen Aldriik manuzsci joshine Slays_17 DIANAAAAAAAAAAAA Nitneuq19 RomiToS MaxiKW xAssasin8268_ Blackz_Gamer2021 Tadz ivi xOTREMBB_ YeledMulti Awko PanchitoTuTerror iLynqr_ Lolicat_ zFezzik TAKA_Creative BIZARREBLACKBUS MrsKiki MISTERK1337 Bubyldenov ECPU fortniteeplayer FreshLight Boina Paiiinnn Riltix ConTerX EgiKiller05 CatgirlSparky DaddyMochas ySophia yazunoh SweetLikeBerries Little_Peace heziL_0 novanitrox_ agentblue144 Cinabutts AtaKing lovechieldrens Nicxlly onlk7 thibautotor Joaquin26F TomAEV ac0f _whxp nambe sneappy NoxVentus DaddyzMiguel AfterCommunism Cutie MightyIronside Jeenns Sakadragon lelu112 yBrounks vscu KiteiBTS SuPYL1u_Death DutchMods1 GUST4VOBANID0 galal keinfriesenjung mahxista kitten123XD a6yrs Sr_Sakuta Mosyka DayLure moho123 TalonBX Kohlesec zoax999 ItsMeBTW GolerisBW LuciferSz Cyl3er KarutMarut McMina_ WindetteTM zurdo257 ZeyJ jorgeSans maxi45YTB truereligionfeen BlacK226 ICHTRETDICHBHD Brian_B Imawa MiJiX _ThanhhTungg_ YaBoyYody trustoph ChukyMoreno69 InterPaffRizla AWStreng_ FantaTheCat Mrcoleman92 1M0ha samat0 NomBoodBood Plikkens EvilG_MC wifc MarioDieEnte h9ni Potter_H zarqismissing Pedro2930 4piz Amr_Fawzy EuSouAlguem EStelleRZ SkippyOh Durvales Nivs_Jr xsuqui0x BMBF worstcellbo AndyJLambert ILOVEMYDRIP Akiza29 Happen_x7 SlayerIbn zvsie RecByDinmor 9Tur KhawpounSaanDeez FLOLOLOLOLOLOL Xeleber JJudan_ ZecaDosPagodes nshme _iTxS chayaa InwEst_YT Giova2k20 AmdallahSlayer69 UbijamSrbine3 The_Last_Kn1ght 7wxve moniiiker oOGODOo KAYO_VN navatar1 diesemSpeiseeis allstarmarvin xjeu VeleMqrw Cupex Kylexvibes LegendsNeverDiee Armandillito Sydjylland miisi oonuchaoo Sacoweita TyesllerBXD Levenslust oroor nitsuga_xo eliseu54proBR ClappedbabyeZ fernando27 Mixrayz to0xic Flokkii Badlion1144vape Twilightgirl304 TheAzirz_ Thereallo Perricutis1tg itsNoaah Insane89m Zenkuuuu LukeGarnett xXGhostStarXx d4vdnext ydogo_l yVuulksBr Moreno_ IsLook_ _ThaiIsHere Asebegena Hamhomy Aclamado MikaSiqueira_ LieuAnNhieu Marbella05 DanjaIstMacher PhilipsBr567 Tomvs1337 xproalldayx OperaSOHOT BiankaAtaegina choijai2548 ImNotRich_ iAmForyy_ HuyIsNon ImBananaa kkayaa 27movement Blackfurrykitty Your_Neighbor 1Voltage NunZeii lepczin MrsMiu RicardoMasterPro Kidzep Polo_731 Montacer Liaaam Yiompyi luancria LeonardoShisDe swiftkk ky0nwn yaiu EdkyoGamer ImKuraiy_ davizao007 Honatani BoredApeYC SuperFinn2010 Cheggu FefeL Seghiro Limousine yBonny Niiznayr FadingNinja1 Fakerusher_Mx NickUC Majster___ icekiko Sleepy_Nice Yeuth ReiRuan123 Sentito Nachhe iDasq cr_z ROMA_FluffyFancy Unkreativitaet jackflash321 _The_Punisher_ WickdStyle Reisesser_ galinhadeskate 420damian420 Maayk_Adam iWeedMC_ Sqeezyh TerrorByte0x00 scottyhope Zeeldurog _PGC_ weniskid nicolasxz0 Xtrio BUSYwithThaUzi X_ Autistenclub hummerdeller7 bigbosscrayy Literaa xnovake Flyf_fee idc No_spoko Alzexgame Ahmed_faris HannaW_W Disfrazao LeqendaryFischii Zoiddberg KadBid BennetSeifert SogettoTheHero ElCuboMagicoMDF joriscow DrLenniHeise Foxi FakeFleebs royalea Jleles mudlikemud NoxisZDamp xRegaipXd_ DoutorBauer Sci_Fi_Gregg vShadow tubbytabby_ x_V1h_x mxyrey DerGreifer69 Nashatyyr XKageOokamiX Neflection Alzt ShiFu_PlayzZ d1Polterghost SwafiTzz Dists Toopz_ TheImDani SweetUncleJuice tnij zEasyKiller luffegamer RedAlphii ezmoke_br Veve_Fireheart AKAZA003 lindty Flezzqy AimIsIncredible Klenzon DaxUltimate Vicuu rdfps1 NFSUnderground 1ove7 textnowterry xAwornis zLoar raekess amDeas Buuggi SenpaiSama_JPG Scriu lintaly KrusteF SantosLIMA pugli Entlein90 nlxxTHEBEAST nixyeh Beckrl I_MISSHER_ zNapleciok_ sdfsdfgsdsfgdsfg Safe_TNT hamoOodyx NagisaVN KallebeIz MininoCaco_ imu9i slowZ_ff LuckyPsycho xAlexxander temmosquito_ Reeqszef Medolinha Mordnacht inveil KidVOlt ricky_98 Im_Dxpe Worless Seby_Plays damian57 BornoBjolix Quora_ Herickbrasil Flauschiges_Horn 1Loon ItzWhiteJesus Lambertyy EndeRecagadin KaanAvci Stabkins bghost44 SashaRu Sindreven iiLuffy__ thatKxrins _QzA NexousTV BoxMuncher762 JDN_Studio _ScoobyDooo RegiosN_N AffzHunter LaPollaDiaria Mad_dox tomimzaa justinvanzon FakeHugo bman11235813 Maricass heylolxd Thuggishprune jamesbell1992 Amicorell0 Alp1m victaogg_ OnlyzJamesXD_ JaZero Ic4_rus misterioA55 RENEISTBACK IZenicBRr SkyDwarf_ Blaze3Force4 SahsiyetsizMan aegan EnterAPX HaGeWe Tigify BananaHopper Im6ix9ine thinhga_vn zSprintay_ Species jajatelarobexdxd zriuq iYuuki_ oSweetpie shhln distnsun Escasismech4K Mooth88 MikasaSei7w7 notPhilipp_ yLucasH4H4 zKeviinBR9080 _DevilsDani_ ExioElNuv viko63 ByRUZ1 Theior TreatChest JuanLaverde kryshx Luisitox_ sioks666 ...