Beta Account


User bought the game during the BETA development phase of Minecraft (2010-12-20 - 2011-11-17)

LabyMarco HiitSayZ TottyTurtle Greenns SchmidtMax HorstFlock Premium_man_ x_Fighterboy_x FrauPlatypus CookieChan99 IxmHusky Lord_Nomra annonnymous SMarc scarfulomar Yakuza PocketSage _R TeamJacob cartelfr Idris_ GCC Jansso Kjmberlx Flayer7445 dentalscammer jnny rLilJesus PPADMIN4ADMIN2 Bloodshed GabyOficial 5lll TomeiGF Fabian misterioA55 Mysager OdWaLaToR NahuDier_12 DaxUltimate BoxMuncher762 Hyzok bjw t1uonh princehahalol Converion fivio 400s OhMalware squidballs778913 iloveyamom Scriu KronossPb k4picz Gamblicky pugli Alp1m _IMTime infinitoo chadplays Apotamkin keonny13 thebesthuman ViewStash lostingeneral wolfyzxx BidaBoladao Rarestand imu9i S_Garrett yzui Santaan _Luzios temmosquito_ raekess hightey Astaroth_56 ChaosDieter Its_NotCobra CosmoKnight Zprah999 zBlaKKUS MightySquize Lasey iPizza13 Herickbrasil purpl3wheel4 LordTrafalgarLaw ZluGanteng miuhp ItzWhiteJesus mmmtots osquis KallebeIz kev000 xDarrell Larenrycon ItzJustlenax zbottin_13 xArthur_MITOPx gvidman Midgetpk1 187judenhunter WithoutSkill NexotecYT AffzHunter lasyuz scootypuffjr246 pecans justinvanzon BornoBjolix 3llawii Buddy8900 FLEXZADA _shinnotgay_ yafyr KCDK Ivy_87 RandaleSandale Sayto 1fox_ AlphaWinner Warranting mlkney Zentil SKR34M34 Frog8484 NorybGnierekip RazorWolfy Bewacht RafaelLopexxx sprachlxses RightTime Tigify Kid_Darkness3 fockonme kendix zSprintay_ Ixerl RoyalZ_Studio Yxzring_ K1ngZer4 QwQOwOAwA al3ony SelfDxstruct_ guxtsw yFloyd dneted Taehyung zKeviinBR9080 pure southlydergute Dominates SahsiyetsizMan Ossamah Infinite_IQ Azert_Frr crackmannheim Dizzyslug xFall0uTx Mosher Pfaller_11 UnitedTurbines MagnusCarlsen MairaxMSG Olaf_1997 maalcy Yousef_Albukhari Userlax VitorBr35y Mooth88 vassoureiro SoyChoz Strafye Hoove Streakwing RyanzinX juztjah LilLoaded LilKonsubo KlExtremeBr Mum1Trolden MatuteMaton KaitoShion ARCHORZINHA LoLqueTrol Notezinn 2000000000000002 JuanDMGG Hxrxic tuitui hottestmary _hurtxz Alvyaaa enshizes_ SoySerio macrovore ILikePooing zakuno Zaid_1 Mered SweetLikeBerries Abeeia ImDarlling agentblue144 bonifacijus Samsagaz37 Jokeski _KettY BigBawller ImFranD Amijung Dcumento TheCirce_ Hertareum philiplilly gmhu21 ZinKZeck NoxVentus Luislecca34 CMcCuth6 Cutie Orlia chewedstick Roses1982 fusballpa 7bqChispitas_ iVio0oDy Juan_Pavao Pongetipaulo processo windowslivemail xCrisz_ qxyz5 SkidCole Lodos31 Canal_MasterG0D zSanny Henryjmw DaddyVitor_ stillo1989 qSimp pepitoelmago2 StevenYuJu Starget GiuliaSL cegob Klqk SrDarkMC Zagie Mil_Kiss Aldriik Kentros83 uCheateyLegitxz Slays_17 Sivle123 esteban2blea IamCapit ImKoRjIk Nurfyy modrytrpaslik47 the_lord_doOm Deiv1d_ Borgmann321 BuzzLL carogsnow codeinthiocyanat AsT_tA BotMercy BIZARREBLACKBUS IsaqueFratani SudoKube ECPU Mikishayyy 69minutes Mohammed_EH BazalduaCM zNuty _b1essed iKoner Skrid AeroNewsGermany OmniscientK EStelleRZ Cata36GodLovesM3 d0s3 Wuachin doglover9312 Dxgamer_Br pingplus sleepycharlyy misteeyzin twoshadesofbrown Maximouz Averist_ biringuedei nvty_ 9Tur rxmd Sezand_1 JJudan_ CANZUK CreeperProHD_ Histerix BluePXL RIPBRIS Mxtou Picanha404 LindaSofiia RossMarie pttkn23 _theTramp AsterPlay13 MikiTB KAYO_VN Chiiispin Galihsaja allstarmarvin thehuntinmaniac jamilidamaceno_ 0TuSoFunVN GooCorn Jordvn_v2 l4ff3n _M1D_ bearaax thuffard HisPrincessa maiorreii Dududryn Quills zoax999 Nicolasluzz LuciferSz wavez_mac or0b1n 6dq xX__Pandinha__Xx Hardkyes Str4feq MrViola_TgCL Zerev Zhasmin dervampier hardwayy_ GabrielTrozz x0hShyz_osu MiJiX iMqrk trustoph Laverna Injecten ul1ght FantaTheCat VELIKA__ Kchero2000 Kenqie Jireht PanjuLzMC DreadxStorm LenoraCZ Wracrikx maxbhz DerSSS FiawKunGGGG wezzys Pedro2930 LittleFatPig zBryaan Evassivestagga Cappa3 oizsa PhumPhumShop SkyTwins cidr 1Voltage LaFria kinimod3211 RicardoMasterPro SirSchway BustedDE Krisler SeiRuhigDuNervst feellings DavidDaMonk Foapu Qnline Bartekpro15737 aguiabg REINSTECKEN Beunruhigter hatie davizao007 MasterHang2347 xCorexDuox SuperFinn2010 LiLv0dKa Axolotles xJhqss_ paixow SM0KAHONTAS Inyyu0 Tranovicz Aninja90 uLipeeBr TarikKrgz _Lose_ Yorkan_ Kimosa00 Armandillito RBT_Egg_TW oonuchaoo przemusiekk Kivvisek ZeSafe HANDSOMEKITE97 Tecca88 Princceee skilfter RitzenIstCool yathory bobDMON HitsLikeMyHasaki Ana_Biah nquantum0 Twilightgirl304 Waldenburg xPoPHD Perricutis1tg BountyHunter1 3BoOoDYy verxieee 7o2_ optymized nightbard Rancoy PearlNobu gb57 sebitopp retep750white Uriikss cxrgo_ Wistaf LieuAnNhieu Qianxiaoya_123 Schulheftchen Tomvs1337 lohfixd shizuwe Jecky79 Rafaelzika xGYR0_ YeYeee_ emxrhxn royalea PAL2PQ Frank_Frank_ J0hanX Salleeeh mr_wikstroem HuyAntiCry oldsuf AllanV2 cogamer Unxliee _Nefren_ KBMODIFIER Frostziin_ XKageOokamiX XLJ JustAlmeida ShiFu_PlayzZ The_Commonwealth theangryazian Camelot1011 TiiMoLo TheUzbek danielapolo11 mausvicente jusla Heimisson darkcatuwu Communicator Eraser123 MichigaanTV I7MO_ AKAZA003 ballin4 Notate AimIsIncredible Schlapfel Kw_GoLD _PMayLoDy_ EyeDie Seeerious xiKinGx zRusher__ apatheos BloodRabbity Willixm69_ 3adl Yasoni yTigresaVip _The_Punisher_ Contranaut iTaZzur galinhadeskate Kakuzuu 22poppy ViniLucas2005 speedArtic_ NyxThrow Rakete8888 Zeckiey Mohamm2d MinecraftGrizzly Wien GentleKoala andidago nordmark15 Autistenclub xA7md_7rb Literaa yDioguin_ Palmendieb03 _Spectra11_ idc xBlackWar_ Swuigz joao5591 Y_Tuzao TrippyElectronic TiuzinDoPastel JULIEN8 Yickfou AndynZN MCPrisonDotCum EliscraftGamer closerr joriscow yazunoh mixxing OstiasElHugo hazzmatt25 Ogst novanitrox_ MarKusVinii Nicxlly Sindreven Techmullet thibautotor NexousTV TomAEV OctaaMoreno_ J6rpa HenriqueTrix10 nambe sneappy Fmuc CeNasYT Niglits _Mjnonh_ AfterCommunism Lumine_13 lelu112 heylolxd Morrisboy KiteiBTS Amicorell0 DutchMods1 zTearsz UWURAWRDADDY galal CanowonEvent KingJay Kattaris PedroXzc uMessi_ lacostetattoo MeeZoid DaddyHacker_ Bili_RoyceGlas NFSUnderground GamerZin_TOP xAwornis fernandoj China_lvyuanhao MrBestia CorianderSpice AngelsAmSippen ArthuurEkisde08 Aulig lSantty 1234567890123456 joshine DiegoMalinki Polaerchen MaxiKW Beckrl yDrNatsu_ ivi sdfsdfgsdsfgdsfg YeledMulti Mr_Klimor Axcet PanchitoTuTerror Lolicat_ IgorFoxBr 6lh ZyrexPE TAKA_Creative WarFart39 RosieSL11 CatrineSejr Bubyldenov HiddenForestFire ricky_98 cute727 ConTerX damian57 CatgirlSparky GrandMagus22 Samuel7u7 sirdiaz ySophia BMBF Tobiaszpl_ Brazil_Time AndyJLambert zBandiT_ Akiza29 h0up tpp72 zzofuzz zvsie RecByDinmor DevMixa GamerKingFaction erolpia Hypixelinu Xeleber CraftStyler chayaa hahaloll veaxeyxz Giova2k20 LSNOP UbijamSrbine3 PingoKat ranvir_ Souheib moniiiker oOGODOo Anyelini iSamBr_ Wayseep Ayakanami diesemSpeiseeis MCListickaGAMING Yuunie_MC keinfriesenjung h3l KtdgGamer a6yrs SkyDwarf_ Mosyka iWelViz_ _fikus69 moho123 Kohlesec Goasler Digimon Dock_Nema Mamacena GolerisBW Hjaltel Ohdaiwsy WindetteTM iYuuki_ PixelHusky21 jorgeSans distnsun truereligionfeen marakuda mathiass221 ICHTRETDICHBHD Imawa Cremefraicheee Y4Q1 p3rr1t0kawai2323 djspartan117 YaBoyYody pxsq yuuui_ AWStreng_ Fushi__ Luisitox_ Plikkens Stayox wifc Draethys h9ni Raese Restlin zLxura zarqismissing C0DIE Budla007 Individualesss weglasdc EuSouAlguem Advertizes Your_Neighbor Dhas HerrSieger Bergioyn Paiiinnn MrsMiu EgiKiller05 Liaaam MrMagher DaddyMochas luancria tadim swiftkk Little_Peace 8kq Mhamad_MC EdkyoGamer ImKuraiy_ Y7h_ sungzinnn TheTechno6 lovechieldrens BoredApeYC Joaquin26F Limousine DriPPyMaxy0 _whxp FadingNinja1 Violent NickUC DaddyzMiguel FixFips Kylexvibes LegendsNeverDiee Mazersors zPodsitoh Gonks Sakadragon miisi Banshee72 SuPYL1u_Death Levenslust Techhyyy95 eliseu54proBR inazuma_ookami fernando27 Sabaidee_ TheWolfTamer to0xic Badlion1144vape Mr_Bimbo19k jjoy uSamuel VAMP_1580 Thereallo Danger _HaiiSack_ Zenkuuuu thythen seve3en ydogo_l _KeetaKung_ Moreno_ manuzsci _ThaiIsHere Hamhomy DIANAAAAAAAAAAAA grzzy88 Ryunosukee MikaSiqueira_ q4istcool Ekzotik xOTREMBB_ PhilipsBr567 iLynqr_ ImNotRich_ Blocko_Rocko zFezzik HuyIsNon OhItsTechnology kkayaa MrsKiki Ondei azano Blackfurrykitty MarioDieEnte xRegaipXd_ zandveerx Potter_H Sci_Fi_Gregg bachelier580 tubbytabby_ 4piz Bat luca1673 DerGreifer69 Nashatyyr erff ZUKYYYY forumsdackel xsuqui0x Alzt ILOVEMYDRIP Toopz_ Cyledia SlayerIbn SweetUncleJuice ExoticFaris zEasyKiller KhawpounSaanDeez Netmox_ ezmoke_br Veve_Fireheart ZuZkia_Twitch rudypetter beachlucas _iTxS Flezzqy Ing_Sensei AmdallahSlayer69 Sleepy_Nice oskar123pl 7wxve Sentito ItzRandomName iDasq navatar1 MrUniverse44 ROMA_FluffyFancy jackflash321 Jacob152 Browshonder KhangSadBoy_VN Reisesser_ Khalqd Sr_Sakuta Sqeezyh Andrej_Delany TalonBX Zeeldurog Dawnshock weniskid ItsMeBTW tenssaiga Xtrio X_ Cyl3er ahmad961 MaleePatito DeltaJake bigbosscrayy BlackAffers_ maxi45YTB Flyf_fee Brian_B 000Tylerr Disfrazao _ThanhhTungg_ Zoiddberg Katil_Gamer BennetSeifert ChukyMoreno69 GGMuted JAVIEREDU ElCuboMagicoMDF AdirModz KIDDLUIS RuneCqt NomBoodBood FakeFleebs Naamlooyz ElPatitoInsano bghost44 SashaRu Edilsinn xThyagin stripedbass_tw choijai2548 _QzA ImBananaa RegiosN_N Bo_nala 27movement LaPollaDiaria Mooneki tomimzaa NunZeii MorroSama Stqckk bman11235813 Maricass Syphica Jewmuhn Yaghan Montacer jamesbell1992 LeonardoShisDe JaZero MoonKycb yaiu RENEISTBACK fredobang Klenzon Honatani P21z Vicuu rdfps1 D1SVBLE Esllam GabesBootC4nc3r Seghiro textnowterry XSpirit99 Fakerusher_Mx Buuggi Pavlusik lintaly Doutordoritos_ SantosLIMA Sydjylland SirVermelho Entlein90 nixyeh Nanane Vxlenty 0NYX_Z zNapleciok_ xNexoYT ClappedbabyeZ NagisaVN 2Dollarbill Flokkii slowZ_ff wilczem xAlexxander TheAzirz_ TonFlix Reeqszef Mordnacht itsNoaah Golden__Heart DonMatEOo_ KidVOlt _vatry_YT hyppie yVuulksBr Seby_Plays Asebegena 1Loon SkullGloKeR Aclamado Lambertyy UnbreakableBread KaanAvci Marbella05 KadBid heartbrokenjay Samuule SogettoTheHero stickman977 Onrixs_BR Rqge_ DrLenniHeise lAMIINE heftig darlec134 IRLBuyer tallJoey TheRealAlexOo SirBoros NoxisZDamp Pseidon7 vShadow kaitouranma Santysss mxyrey TuckMista mweatherill71 Lovebums Neflection Mr_Bread_Ez noicekk WasabiShop 1Ciscaux xSlowWifi Skiie97 Dists TorProject ninjagod98 ...