Beta Account


User bought the game during the BETA development phase of Minecraft (2010-12-20 - 2011-11-17)

LabyMarco TottyTurtle Greenns HiitSayZ SchmidtMax HorstFlock Premium_man_ x_Fighterboy_x FrauPlatypus Lord_Nomra IxmHusky SMarc CookieChan99 annonnymous scarfulomar Yakuza PocketSage _R TeamJacob cartelfr Idris_ GCC Jansso Messy_Flame TarikKrgz TheGreatCatsby P21z eoTusk Kimosa00 GUIGORICK Esllam RBT_Egg_TW Siraluna 3BoOoDYy HANDSOMEKITE97 iJxzideZ Fulhei nightbard KingJay Sqweez_ bobDMON Wxosealtopg007xe MeeZoid SirVermelho FabGames nquantum0 RuthLessYT Vxlenty xPoPHD NotUltimatePVP Qianxiaoya_123 7o2_ H4rri JenGoShEEp shizuwe Aulig Liazomg gb57 DiegoMalinki TonFlix Kaltduscher cxrgo_ Jerrybanana_ DonMatEOo_ Bunnylole56 DannyAxl LaFria Schulheftchen lilgud3_ BustedDE 6lh xGYR0_ Hungary FraeserFrans WarFart39 Clondex PhumPhumShop Lurkey ElPatitoInsano cidr aleksy15 MasterHang2347 xThyagin kinimod3211 camfachita Axolotles Samuel7u7 feellings NovaTrooper7646 MrKamikazee ossjdofb mixxing SteelCorge REINSTECKEN STAYSaGa Stqckk hatie shiftbridge Jewmuhn xCorexDuox Thippo Kivvisek J6rpa paixow GOLDCRAFTXS ChikaraX404X Princceee Fmuc Notate James_ch_TV 22poppy ranvir_ EyeDie ElmenorRDz MehmetAliYenice Rakete8888 Anyelini NotSqmu Willixm69_ Ropika MCListickaGAMING IDEMONIangeL Michael_Jordan99 yTigresaVip Wisards tsolf iTaZzur cryylater Palmendieb03 speedArtic_ 0o0l MrVolod9 Swuigz Goasler PluginGomme Wien seanpatquinn Hjaltel MrAnthony_YT xDessigner_ nordmark15 iSpy_x camer0nafc benjaminalan YeYeee_ _Spectra11_ Mosheja Frank_Frank_ Y4Q1 TrippyElectronic zXLukinha Lalitify pxsq gretagreta MCPrisonDotCum d3ltha Nwii closerr onewaysu XLJ matostardust emxrhxn Feines_Ozelot theangryazian Restlin mr_wikstroem adrien2431 henro8 fazalon_ C0DIE ChokeMeMummy _Nefren_ Nex_Kazaki heftig Frostziin_ strakerzinho_2 ballin4 TheRealAlexOo JustAlmeida CandyToxic Kw_GoLD tpp72 TheUzbek domeexD TristanTheta DevMixa solje8 Communicator Envymvp1337 Mr_Bread_Ez stayinmymind I7MO_ WizSwapsiV3zHY xSlowWifi 5lll lacostetattoo d0peyd0pe 42Ox OdWaLaToR Bili_RoyceGlas Aarondizzel2665 ratixtra GamerZin_TOP xXCleanXx Mr_Klimor CorianderSpice MasterHyp Safadah IgorFoxBr Mazersors squidballs778913 joshine Speakrock Banshee72 bmw310 k4picz MaxiKW jemoeder45345345 BrxkenNose ivi Shelaxh cute727 PanchitoTuTerror landmine875 Nitneuq19 GrandMagus22 jjoy xAssasin8268_ BidaBoladao TAKA_Creative Danger Noob_15 yzui Bubyldenov Rekarath InwEst_Old GommeHDnetForum simppyy Techmullet Baluwii ConTerX Myntesovs OctaaMoreno_ grzzy88 ySophia SkrlttBoo qoxs Lasey q4istcool LordTrafalgarLaw novanitrox_ Komboza NextGenDE Nicxlly SofiaNefertiti Morrisboy Im_Esrty thibautotor J2D zTearsz Ondei nambe KenKen_Chin Cinabutts zbottin_13 Dhas 187judenhunter AfterCommunism justomars Allchymist scootypuffjr246 lelu112 luquetadacici INDICAimBLUT KiteiBTS themonsterlol China_lvyuanhao 8kq galal oKqchen MightyIronside ArthuurEkisde08 Y7h_ Confidence a6yrs SkyMineYT marakuda moho123 minecraftero_go xjeu Cremefraicheee ZuZkia_Twitch RafaelLopexxx GolerisBW n3llbee Ing_Sensei iherzadrian fockonme WindetteTM brhomy999 iIMed7o jorgeSans bridgen Stayox ICHTRETDICHBHD anafrequncy KarutMarut Raese Jacob152 dneted YaBoyYody Diamlito_3 Khalqd holydaniel southlydergute AWStreng_ KhaDepZai_VL DarkLAy Phumzaza2489 Brazil_Time wifc _RyaanZ_ h0up ahmad961 zarqismissing Mrcoleman92 UnitedTurbines BlackAffers_ maalcy EuSouAlguem RDiego_1705 Sylenc BMBF Zhelting veaxeyxz Conlius AndyJLambert TioRafa_ PingoKat GGMuted zvsie Dragon_Of_Frost SkippyOh LilKonsubo AdirModz MatuteMaton Xeleber CompoundCord6 Staple chayaa Erzenkel KtdgGamer porfinalgu1en Giova2k20 obscqre iWelViz_ Bat moniiiker ZorkyXZT ZecaDosPagodes erff FLEXZADA diesemSpeiseeis Ladyventania Portugga RandaleSandale keinfriesenjung zKonain Syphica bonifacijus miisi Tomxus racz ImFranD Levenslust luchitocairo ZoddxD eliseu54proBR xBarbasFx manuzsci to0xic xPewPew Sacoweita DIANAAAAAAAAAAAA D1SVBLE Orlia Thereallo Russel4627 XSpirit99 yNicollas 7bqChispitas_ Zenkuuuu AboS3od_ _LordPhoenix_ ydogo_l Mapietrzak zFezzik _ThaiIsHere ryvw MrsKiki Nanane LukeGarnett Henryjmw MikaSiqueira_ DrugsAreUnFunny iiShaDowKinG pepitoelmago2 PhilipsBr567 xofxk1ller vHard Icy4m ImNotRich_ OmegaGordito DaddyMochas LegendaryFabii HuyIsNon Mxttos Little_Peace Golden__Heart Blackfurrykitty Serch420 xproalldayx Sivle123 _vatry_YT Nurfyy MrsMiu vitinn01 NicolkaBaby Liaaam Nuisance _whxp xSefht_x luancria Samurai_Rabbi DaddyzMiguel Naamlooyz EdkyoGamer MeBanMupWs Kidzep Edilsinn Mikishayyy BoredApeYC Runner007 whoisbonee _b1essed Limousine HunterZoloma JhonO0Gamer_ FadingNinja1 Tunta_ Sabaidee_ MorroSama Kylexvibes Injured Cheggu Mr_Bimbo19k Amclre Sentito Livw ItsMeBTW ROMA_FluffyFancy semgrau Majster___ Cyl3er 1Ciscaux CANZUK Reisesser_ Anxt ninjagod98 QuePasoCrack Mxtou Sqeezyh Xx_Tilin_xX_Pro unifesp Zeeldurog Hippy15 _ThanhhTungg_ Xtrio DungDeTaoDienLen Maayk_Adam ChukyMoreno69 SrOskii thehuntinmaniac bigbosscrayy srll Fierygorx Beeho3HD Jordvn_v2 Flyf_fee Hero_Is_Best Andiaa JegErFan Potter_H Zoiddberg JustReachNohax 4piz ZoontMex ElCuboMagicoMDF No_spoko wavez_mac tenwy Hardkyes FakeFleebs LeaPlath ConsoleSpamFix xRegaipXd_ Mxzzmorrita SlayerIbn Alexis_Alvarez Sci_Fi_Gregg Gregeyy KhawpounSaanDeez tenally DerGreifer69 renacimiento20 Jleles Laverna jiwoostan5306 VELIKA__ Alzt bigdiickdemon elif107 Toopz_ 1xtcy 7wxve SIDEFER_X SweetUncleJuice DianBiel navatar1 lAMIINE ezmoke_br NcsOnly d1Polterghost tallJoey Cata36GodLovesM3 Flezzqy Cerowsee Habibe_XD pingplus Sleepy_Nice dekodaoo bamble5 SirSchway textnowterry thebesthuman Heyylauren DavidDaMonk Buuggi wolfyzxx Draken_n lintaly TszonekBeka TheAzirz_ Entlein90 VITJAvsANTIAC raekess itsNoaah Tzle_Zilay LiLv0dKa zNapleciok_ CosmoKnight IgorMatchmaker_ ashenKKJ SM0KAHONTAS NagisaVN MightySquize Sato2424 slowZ_ff losse Aclamado Reeqszef MrSphaxi Marbella05 Porrtuguess__PC KallebeIz przemusiekk KidVOlt ln6 Tecca88 Seby_Plays ItzJustlenax _RoboCoB_ 1Loon Midgetpk1 27movement Minignaveren Lambertyy Arthruzin__ NunZeii Zomaholic bghost44 S4chy BornoBjolix BountyHunter1 msbeans452 optymized _QzA rLilJesus ExcptionHndler RegiosN_N GabyOficial yaiu Jhordan0308 LaPollaDiaria glockzx Honatani Ry1Der bman11235813 Cade0_0 BoxMuncher762 Abvolt lohfixd jamesbell1992 Converion leandrojr7 LittleFatPig JaZero OhMalware peitos RENEISTBACK Play_2_Die_2 Sydjylland i67n Vicuu uLucassSz Alp1m yFloyd xPvPx_0w0_xPvPx BananaHopper Legend_Co0kie WickdStyle Species esqbro SahsiyetsizMan 420damian420 pay2live The_Commonwealth shhln xFall0uTx anjo0803 Satramoh danielapolo11 notPhilipp_ Pfaller_11 Qazort _DevilsDani_ Redstone_Animals hummerdeller7 ByRUZ1 PXX11 Mooth88 TheProxy2S Schlapfel kryshx Streakwing KimTaeyeon_ Klunkedyret Seeerious Nova3009 LilLoaded Akuso246 LaMalaSuerte SogettoTheHero MeowMaker Mighty_Squints DrLenniHeise Ezgimo Polvin Hxrxic Kakuzuu MaiguerGamer NyxThrow Sleepinqdragon enshizes_ Namru3456 heartbrokenjay Buddy8900 mxyrey vvToxic stickman977 HoshiDaiJL_ Neflection j0v4ni darlec134 08HR AlphaWinner yDioguin_ swyrdofgamba xBlackWar_ Pseidon7 Frog8484 Holy kaitouranma Bewacht RedAlphii pusiaa2137 TuckMista Princee_ lindty Sebmori noicekk Gabiboy Ixerl iMTsunamii PAL2PQ TorProject al3ony PercyUp HuyAntiCry EnterAPX Pongetipaulo zLoar kassgame TomAEV Txdesengel Lodos31 Hiangs sneappy pinktulips zSanny SuckRose D0MOO Monlizxd I_MISSHER_ yAstrox ueepaa cegob Safe_TNT Nepthis DutchMods1 mistics Aldriik _Keven_GOD_ Rastey CanowonEvent wolfbearroleplay Slays_17 lNoah Luuhiz_ MRPANTAKAN inveil AD_Kurdish TEGChanelZaKung Im_Dxpe Filosofox carogsnow fernandoj pangaioo AngelsAmSippen Marcoskkj BIZARREBLACKBUS GayStuff KxngSore ECPU Stabkins Isakashi PedrinReiDelas_ SopasocarRP iiLuffy__ asdadsadwasd delphiniums AlemaoMV macrovore YeledMulti banidor Lolicat_ yzlxx SweetLikeBerries Turromantik SaplingAncient agentblue144 FakeHugo uTrappey zXNiceGaminGz Brasileirinhoooo Thuggishprune MatLord2012 pyrokinetics9 UZiGOD TheCirce_ ogdm CatgirlSparky TwawisScott NoxVentus Badger yazunoh 4h20_ Cutie TwitchRogerio_YT DarkMagical KoreMiss_ 1ove7 Kaytn xX_Keoz_Xx 3mrr RecByDinmor Loufink allstarmarvin Azzound kywah xLeon99_ oSweetpie _oscar_ Whitebirdie bearaax Escasismech4K prvtNiklas UbijamSrbine3 SryBoutDat zoax999 xShadowSaix B6oo6_ oOGODOo Tafv_ LuciferSz Aetheri_n Capuline wSaulo JuanLaverde Sefaa Fugitiva Zhasmin sioks666 SergentNemmy Mosyka Jqcken MiJiX EmailMe SixRakron Kohlesec Eikoeine trustoph frease91 Keen_Osatee FantaTheCat Asian0fChaos TheHytsuVrau Mieselangeweile LenoncioMacaco Yayocani_04 W0B0T Wracrikx truereligionfeen kinggamer702 Imawa LXvon187 Pedro2930 xMasterchief116 MarkusakCZ EStelleRZ Koaraan Brainstorms farthole backfisch64 MHF_Wool_DarkRed Swichery Radeuus 8b1 twoshadesofbrown Plikkens W7E h9ni oddchix 9Tur GMInvers Sneak_Peek JJudan_ K0TL FK_DaddyCorona Fortonani HelloSmilingFace lovelse hyMqx hz011 Kheiral RossMarie Blaze3Force4 m7mdxjw Akiza29 _dzxv KAYO_VN qKhaled xxxMisieqxxx KhangDepZaii Aninja90 A___Xin azurexy swiftkk licen777 Armandillito kookch ImKuraiy_ x0ry oonuchaoo Denas42 Nickbagel TiagoLight Mvoidd zNanaLuizan DaddyFabi yathory Itz_beng Spektey NickUC dexoooo Twilightgirl304 Hneliy jjoell LegendsNeverDiee WrinkledChipBag Perricutis1tg Broly007 WHITE_VAX friboipvp_ 7wayzeee Ender_Flo_YT Bergie_Smalls Mynckey3 7Smky retep750white fernando27 jrn123 Badlion1144vape Susaka LieuAnNhieu yahiaa WhoIsHeroooo Tomvs1337 KauanBlackPrado z_FuZ1o1 Screamed zClaros Abjelent CarlosZera loser401 Moltrons Cappa3 Moreno_ easyRD Hamhomy AlonsoForsa 1Voltage MorganGamess Magnetilo RicardoMasterPro running_pussie xiRodsH1ts coopez II_DecAo xD_Jani_xD 1zer asgereld Bruna_Crazy Bartekpro15737 dodom2002 kkayaa _1314__ davizao007 pblqy Your_Neighbor fastbridging SuperFinn2010 IsaguiYoichi xTriksy DANCLA Costacf taariiq BarbosaAna06 Nashatyyr RAMBOS AimIsIncredible Volp_ quarrk Uplift Hussain08 NonFungibleBot iKqi apatheos Limetten Queeni_ zEasyKiller marioPL77 _The_Punisher_ Lungless Kousewi Veve_Fireheart Exderowski galinhadeskate p1sslvr mfg999M TNT1117 PauloPvP phatsk Fam0109 MinecraftGrizzly lordzender GamerTank53 iDasq thk__ Autistenclub ...